This is our journey to the north to receive a precious gift of life. We hope you will enjoy our journey!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Kaden was so excited to be going golfing with dada, grammie, Gibby, Aunt Carol and Uncle Dean. I was there but mostly for the photo opps! kaden loved the beach this summer but still shyed from the water! he could have spent hours playing in the sand!
our first attempt to toilet train- a little social story about peeing was more for entertainment value than educational!
I can't believe it's been over a year since I've written about Kaden! Focusing on the present isn't enough! Just looking at pictures of Kaden makes me realize just how much he's grown and how cute he was with the chubby cheeks! He's now over 38 inches- when I measured at 2 1/2 years- this should mean that he'll be 6'2" as an adult! He's a tall kid as it is and is very determined when he wants something! There's definately a balancing act between encouraging independence and wanting to squash those boundary buttons that keep getting pushed!